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Wave of electoral violence in southern Mexico claims 14 lives in matter of days

2024-06-03 17:03:19 [health] Source:Culture Clutch news portal

TAPACHULA, Mexico (AP) — Attacks on political candidates in Mexico’s violence-torn southern state of Chiapas have left at least 14 people dead in recent days, local authorities and candidates said Sunday.

The latest attack late Sunday targeted the car driving Nicolás Noriega, who is running to lead the municipal government of the town of Mapastepec. Noriega confirmed the attack to The Associated Press and said he was wounded and at least five people from his campaign were fatally shot.

Running under the country’s ruling party, Morena didn’t add more details and was noticeably shaken after the attack. The Chiapas Prosecutor’s Office also confirmed that five attack. Photos shared by local media showed a red truck dotted by bullet holes, and bloodied bodies laying in the trunk and on the ground.

“I deeply mourn the deaths of my friends, whose lives were taken in a cowardly manner. Evil is never going to reign in our hearts, because there are more of us who love life, who think of doing good,” Noriega posted on Facebook Sunday. “I’m asking all of society to unite to honor life.”

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